A chronic ear infection refers to a persistent infection of the middle ear that endures for a duration exceeding three months. An acute ear infection that fails to resolve may develop into a chronic condition according to best ENT specialist in Hyderabad. Although there may be no pain in the ear, there could be a discharge of thick fluid or pus. Additionally, there may be a risk of hearing loss, which can potentially be irreversible. Medical professionals typically perform cleaning of the ear canal and prescribe antibiotic eardrops for treatment. Let us read more on the ear infections and how people affected can handle the pain associated with it.
A perforation in the eardrum may allow harmful bacteria to enter, potentially leading to a more severe infection. This infection can result in the destruction of the delicate bones within the middle ear or may extend to the adjacent bones of the skull according to the best ear doctor in Hyderabad
Individuals suffering from chronic ear infections may also develop a cholesteatoma in the middle ear. According to the best ear pain doctor in Hyderabad, cholesteatoma is a non-cancerous growth resembling skin, which can heighten the risk of serious complications, such as:
Medical professionals will conduct a hearing assessment and utilize a portable light to examine your ear for:
If the best ENT doctor in Hyderabad suspects the presence of a cholesteatoma, they may recommend a CT (computed tomography) scan or an MRI (magnetic resonance imaging).
Viruses are responsible for the majority of ear infections, although bacteria can also be involved. There are three primary types of ear infections that impact the middle ear: Acute otitis media (AOM) is the most prevalent form of ear infection. It occurs when fluid accumulates behind the eardrum, leading to a painful earache.
Another variant of chronic ear infection is known as chronic suppurative otitis media (CSOM). Individuals suffering from CSOM experience recurrent and persistent ear discharge. This condition typically develops as a complication of AOM, often associated with a perforated eardrum during childhood.
Chronic ear infections often do not present any visible symptoms as thought by best ear specialist doctor in Hyderabad. Nevertheless, prolonged otitis media with effusion (OME) can lead to hearing impairments and various challenges, especially in children. These challenges may include:
Medical professionals classify OME as chronic when it persists for three months or longer. It is also noted that 30 to 40 percent of children experience OME on multiple occasions, with 5 to 10 percent of episodes lasting a year or more.
In cases of chronic suppurative otitis media (CSOM), individuals may have a perforation in their eardrum. The best ear surgeon in Hyderabad , Dr SaiRaj Kumar, is of the opinion that the rupture of the eardrum alleviates pressure, which means that not all individuals with CSOM will experience pain. However, those suffering from acute otitis media (AOM) or recurrent AOM are likely to feel discomfort. Symptoms associated with CSOM include:
Individuals with CSOM typically do not exhibit fever.
Chronic ear infections arise from persistent or frequently recurring acute ear infections. By taking measures as per the best ear doctor in Hyderabad to prevent acute ear infections, one can also reduce the risk of developing chronic ear infections. Acute ear infections occur when the eustachian tube, which connects the middle ear to the throat, becomes obstructed. Children are particularly susceptible to ear infections due to the shorter and narrower structure of their eustachian tubes, making them more prone to blockage. The accumulation of fluid in the middle ear can lead to infection, resulting in pain and various other symptoms. Ear infections can be attributed to several factors, including:
Chronic ear infections may be influenced by various risk factors, such as:
Additionally, children attending busy day-care centers may face a heightened risk of developing ear infections due to increased exposure to viruses and bacteria.
Certain ear infections may resolve spontaneously, while others might require additional medical intervention for ENT treatment in Hyderabad. Treatment of the problem is a must since the pain can be irritating and spoil the health of the person. Individuals experiencing an ear infection that persists for several days should consult a healthcare professional to determine the specific type of infection. Antibiotics can be beneficial for those suffering from acute ear infections as it helps clear the primary cause of the ear infection. Chronic ear infections can be treated through various methods, including:
Many healthcare professionals as well as the best ear doctor in Hyderabad, Dr SaiRaj Kumar advocate for a strategy of "watchful waiting" to allow the infection to resolve naturally. In cases where there is ear drainage or if a child under the age of two has an infection in both ears, a doctor may prescribe antibiotics for a bacterial infection. Patients with infections that have led to a perforated eardrum or a hole in the middle ear, such as CSOM, may benefit from antibiotic ear drops like ciprofloxacin as it is popular medicine according to best ear doctor in Hyderabad. However, it is crucial to be aware of the potential side effects of antibiotics, as unnecessary use can lead to worsening symptoms. Additionally, over time, the bacteria responsible for some ear infections may develop increased resistance to antibiotics. It is imperative that you take adequate precautions and steer clear of ear infections.
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